Meet the members of your
San Francisco Republican Party

How can one serve the San Francisco Republican Party as a Delegate?

  • Delegates are elected by Assembly District during Presidential Primary elections for four-year terms.

  • Ex-Officio Delegates who are Republican nominees for Constitutional or Legislative office are named to the SFGOP upon certification of candidacy by the Secretary of State.

  • Alternate Delegates are appointed and can serve in the absence of an elected Delegate

What We Do

✓ Recruit candidates for local office

✓ Review and endorse local candidates

✓ Review and endorse local ballot measures

✓ Produce a voter guide for each election

✓ Fundraise

✓ Host speakers and events for San Franciscans


Chairman - Bill Jackson

First Vice Chair - Jennifer Z. Yan

Secretary - David Quadro

Treasurer - Chris Lewis

Executive Committee

The day-to-day affairs of the SFGOP are handled by the Executive Committee.
Executive Committee Members are elected by SFGOP Delegates.

Martha Conte - Vice Chair of Finance

Jay Donde - Vice Chair of Political Affairs

Nicholas Berg - Vice Chair of Communications

Jan Diamond - Vice Chair of Volunteers

Tom Rapkoch - Vice Chair of Events

(photos coming soon!)

Assembly District 17 Delegates

Bruce Lou

Manuel Noris-Barrera

Jennie Feldman

Christopher Lewis

Josh Wolff

Jamie H. Wong

Bill Jackson

William Kirby Shireman

Charles Page Chamberlain

David Quadro

Christian J. Foster

Leslie Huang

Assembly District 19 Delegates

Jennifer Yan

Yvette Corkrean

Jeremiah Boehner

Jay Donde

Rodney Leong

Jan Diamond

Nicholas Berg

John Dennis

Jason P. Clark

Howard Epstein

Martha Conte

Peter Elden

Tom Rapkoch

Ex-Officio Delegates

Chris Coulombe
(U.S House of Representatives CD-2 Nominee)

Bruce Lou
(U.S. House of Representatives CD-11 Nominee)

Nadia Flamenco
(State Assembly AD-19 Nominee)

Stephen Slauson
(U.S. House of Representatives CD-12 Nominee)

Anna Cheng Kramer
(U.S. House of Representatives CD-15 Nominee)

Yvette Corkrean
(State Senate SD-11 Nominee)

Jeanne Solnordal
(State Senate SD-07 Nominee)

Gene Yoon
(State Senate SD-2 Nominee)

Andrew Alan Podshadley
(State Assembly AD-12 Nominee)

Manuel Noris-Barrera
(State Assembly AD-17 Nominee)

Mindy Pechenuk
(State Assembly AD-18 Nominee)

Interested in joining the SFGOP?