Volunteer with the SFGOP
The strength of the San Francisco Republican Party comes from our volunteers.
Interested in joining us? Fill out the form below to join one of our Volunteer teams!
Voter Registration and Outreach Team
Just over 7% of San Francisco voters are registered Republicans. We need your help to increase that number...volunteer for our Voter Registration and Outreach Team!
The Voter Registration and Outreach Team meets throughout The City to encourage every US citizen over 18 to register to vote and every US citizen over 16 to pre-register to vote. Our Team also performs phone and text banking during elections to Get Out The Vote and to support our endorsed candidates and initiatives.
SFGOP Volunteers enjoy fun gatherings to exchange ideas and to socialize with other Republicans at events in San Francisco and throughout the Bay Area. We work hard to register and contact potential voters to share our values and protect opportunity for ALL. Come join us!
Election Integrity Team
Our Election Integrity Team participates in Elections as Poll Workers or as a member of the Official Oberver Panel. We monitor drop boxes and the collection and count of the ballots at Pier 31 and City Hall. Learn the procedures that the San Francisco Department of Elections uses to process our ballots and you will be able to witness ballot processing. You will know if proper procedures are being followed and if they are not, election law attorneys will be on call to address the problem or document it for possible litigation. Hold them accountable!
Become a Precinct Captain
A Precinct Captain is the GOP's ambassador in their voting area.
As Precinct Captain, you help connect Republicans in your voting area and start discussions about what's important to you and your neighborhood. Precinct Captains are also a vital part of voter contact and Get Out the Vote operations on Election Day. Join us by filling out the form below.