The San Francisco Republican Party has a long and storied history, beginning with its founding in 1856
The San Francisco Republican Party was founded in January 1856 at Butler's Hatter Shop off Portsmouth Square. Four months later, in April, the California Republican Party held its first convention in Sacramento. From 1912 until 1964, San Franciscans elected five Republican mayors in a row: “Sunny Jim” Rolph, Angelo Rossi, Roger Lapham, Elmer Robinson, and George Christopher.
These mayors rebuilt San Francisco in the aftermath of the 1906 earthquake and fire, cleaned up a City Hall that was rife with scandal and corruption, and developed much of the physical infrastructure that we now take for granted. Their forward-looking approach to public works brought us the Civic Center, the Palace of Fine Arts, the Legion of Honor, MUNI, Hetch Hetchy water and power, Stern Grove, Kezar Stadium, Candlestick Park, the San Francisco Zoo, and SFO. Our last Republican Mayor, George Christopher, was instrumental in bringing the New York Giants to San Francisco. Thanks to their efforts, a world-class city was born.
The San Francisco Republican Party is by, for, and of all San Franciscans.
We believe in a San Francisco that is a place for everyone; a robust city anchored by a strong middle class and generations of proud families.
But first, we need to get the basics right.
San Francisco should have the best schools, the safest streets, and an honest, efficient government that works for its people.
Just as the phoenix on the San Francisco flag rises, so shall San Francisco fly towards a better and brighter future!