Special Screening of the Film In Marin, Followed By A Live Speaker Panel With The Filmmaker In Person
Location To Be Revealed Upon Purchase Of Tickets
Tickets: $25. https://secure.anedot.com/marin-gop/killingamerica
Banned by YouTube, the subject of a lawsuit, interviewed by FOX. Who is Eli Steele? He's the filmmaker who made "What Killed Michael Brown?" Now, he's tackled the subject of DEI, woke (failing) schools & rampant antisemitism in the modern era. The MarinGOP is bringing Eli Steele's new documentary to Marin for a big screen screening followed by a live speaker panel featuring Eli Steele in person.
We're passionate about this film because we're genuinely worried about the state of our schools, the future of our nation, and the safety of kids trapped in a system where the kids genuinely seem to come last. We also don't want to relive past nightmares. We also appreciate a man who won't back down. And Eli Steele won't back down.
We hope you can join us and Eli Steele. And please, bring the kids. This is a moment to have a conversation.
What's "Killing America"? That is something of a loaded question. If we're talking about the controversial new documentary, we're talking about a filmmaker who refuses to be put in the metaphorical box of identity politics, we're talking about an education system led by "leaders" who are in a state of raging denial over a system that is now fundamentally failing to teach about half the kids, and we're talking about rampant antisemitism coming out of the closet and hitting the internet. (We're also talking about lawfare and censorship.)
The film, "Killing America" shouldn't be "controversial." A documentary about the public school system shouldn't be something that requires hiring security teams made up of ex-SWAT guys just to host a screening in a ritzy suburb.
But, reality is driving a lot of people to the brink of madness these days. And, Eli Steele is the kind of documentarian who has made a career out of talking about facts as well as "feelings." We need to face reality as a society or we'll end up living in a society none of us will like.
So, how did Eli Steele get "censored" by YouTube? How'd he "earn" a cease and desist letter from some people in Menlo Park?
Eli Steele is talking about what we've all been living with for the last few years. But, he's smart enough to connect the metaphorical dots. How does the anti-merit movement connect to the rising tide of antisemitism? How does the defensive attitude of school boards connect to modern day intellectual censorship? How does being "woke" impact individualism? How are kids (and American society as a whole) hurting? How are we allowing our educational institutions to be hurt? How are America's children being hurt? How did censorship suddenly become the "new normal"?
The documentary is barely a half hour long. We recommend seeing it live. Because, we're going to turn this into a live event.
Tickets to the screening include the live speaker panel afterwards. We see this as an experience. We've all been experiencing a degradation of our public institutions --and the concept of free speech-- for the past few years. On April 28th we'll have an opportunity to stand together --with security-- and metaphorically stand up against censorship and against antisemitism.
Two weeks ago, when we decided to bring Eli Steele to Marin, we knew it might result in a kerfluffle. We didn't even hesitate --we found outside funding to help cover the costs of security, we're also getting some help from some great people in Los Angeles to put together gift bags with more information about the big topics we'll be talking about.
Then, things got really crazy. Yes, there are lawyers involved! YouTube pulled the trailer we originally shared over a week ago.
Care about American principles? Please join us on April 28th. Oppose censorship, oppose antisemitism, help the kids, and learn more.